ACM ISS 2023
Sun 5 - Wed 8 November 2023
Rachel Sadeh

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Name:Rachel Sadeh

Rachel Sadeh is currently pursuing her Master’s in HCI at Carnegie Mellon University. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. She graduated as a double-major in Digital Narrative and Interactive Design (DNID) and Psychology with an additional certificate in Children’s Literature and Studies. Her interests lie in user experiences, assistive technologies, accessibility, and inclusive design. During her free time, she likes to spend time with her dogs and is also a volunteer puppy raiser for Canine Companions, a national nonprofit that trains service dogs and gives them to those in need, free of charge.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Carnegie Mellon University, USA



ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS)

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